首页 > 备孕>儿歌|宝宝长大后想干什么?最全儿歌职业分类了解下?

儿歌|宝宝长大后想干什么?最全儿歌职业分类了解下? 长大以后做什么儿歌














Jobs Song for Kids






What do you do? I'm a teacher.

I'm a teacher, I'm a teacher.

What do you do? I'm a teacher.

Everybody say your ABC. A-B-C-D-E!

What do you do? I'm a doctor.

I'm a doctor, I'm a doctor.

What do you do? I'm a doctor.

Everybody listen to your heartbeat!

What do you do? I'm a dentist.

I'm a dentist, I'm a dentist.

What do you do? I'm a dentist.

Everybody brush, brush, brush your teeth!

What do you do? I'm a carpenter.

I'm a carpenter, I'm a carpenter.

What do you do? I'm a carpenter.

Everybody bang your hammer!

What do you do? I'm a pilot.

I'm a pilot, I'm a pilot.

What do you do? I'm a pilot.

Everybody fly a big, big plane!


teacher (老师)

everybody (每个人)

doctor (医生)

heartbeat (心跳)

dentist (牙医)

brush (刷)

teeth (牙)

carpenter (木匠)

bang (重击)

hammer (榔头)

pilot (飞行员)

plane (飞机)


What do you want to be?






When you grow big and tall.

Big and tall, big and tall.

What do you want to be?

I want to be a doctor.

I want to be a doctor.

I want to be a doctor.

Let me check you temperature.

When you grow big and tall.

Big and tall, big and tall.

What do you want to be?

I want to be an engineer.

I want to be an engineer.

I want to be an engineer.

Let me build a bridge for you.

When you grow big and tall.

Big and tall, big and tall.

What do you want to be?

I want to be a scientist.

I want to be a scientist.

I want to be a scientist.

Let me make a time machine.

When you grow big and tall.

Big and tall, big and tall.

What do you want to be?

I want to be a pilot.

I want to be a pilot.

I want to be a pilot.

Let us fly up in the air.

When you grow big and tall.

Big and tall, big and tall.

What do you want to be?

I want to be a policeman.

I want to be a policeman.

I want to be a policeman.

Let me catch the thief.

When you grow big and tall.

Big and tall, big and tall.

What do you want to be?

I want to be a zoo keeper.

I want to be a zoo keeper.

I want to be a zoo keeper.

I will keep it super.

When you grow big and tall.

Big and tall, big and tall.

What do you want to be?

I want to be an astronaut.

I want to be an astronaut.

I want to be an astronaut.

Let us meet on the moon.


grow (长大)

big (大的)

tall (高的)

check (检查)

temperature (体温)

engineer (工程师)

build (建筑)

bridge (桥)

scientist (科学家)

time (时间)

machine (机器)

pilot (飞行员)

fly up (飞起来)

air (空气)

policeman (警察)

catch (抓)

thief (小偷)

zoo keeper (动物园管理员)

super (极好的)

astronaut (宇航员)

moon (月亮)


Learn the alphabet phonics with Jobs




Hi dears, what dou you want to be when you grow up.

A, astronaut, aa.

B, ballerina, bb.

C, conductor, cc.

D, doctor, dd.

E, engineer, ee.

F, firefighter, ff.

G, gardener, gg.

H, hairdresser, hh.

I, illustrator, ii.

J, jockey, jj.

K, karate instructor, kk.

L, librarian, ll.

M, musician, mm.

N, nurse, nn.

O, optometrist, oo.

P, pilot, pp.

Q, queen, qq.

R, racecar driver, rr.

S, scientist, ss.

T, teacher, tt.

U, umpire, uu.

V , vet, vv.

W, waiter, ww.

X, x-ray technician, xx.

Y, yoga instructor, yy.

Z, zookeeper, zz.


astronaut (宇航员)

ballerina (芭蕾舞演员)

conductor (售票员)

doctor (医生)

engineer (工程师)

firefighter (消防队员)

gardener (园丁)

hairdresser (理发师)

illustrator (插图画家)

jockey (驾驶员)

karate instructor (空手道教官)

librarian (图书管理员)

musician (音乐家)

nurse (护士)

optometrist (验光师)

pilot (飞行员)

queen (女王)

racecar driver (赛车手)

scientist (科学家)

teacher (老师)

umpire (裁判员)

vet (兽医)

waiter (男服务员)

x-ray technician (X射线技术员)

yoga instructor (瑜伽教练)

zoo keeper (动物园管理员)

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